Welcome to Indian Town Association

Welcome to our website! Indian Town residents please use the REGISTER link in the top right corner to submit your request for access. Once your request is approved (this may take a day or two), please take some time to review all of the available features.

Make sure to visit ACCOUNT SETTINGS to edit your profile. You can include all members of your household including pets, add pictures, social media handles and email preferences. You control what other users see on the site and whether or not you appear in the online directory. Check out the CALENDAR page for meeting dates and times, social events and trash/recyclables pick up schedule.

A note for new members to the association:

Every May we have a Budget Meeting - This meeting is to present/discuss/approve the Association Budget for each fiscal year.  Attend this meeting to understand and vote on what is included in the budget.
Our Annual Association Meeting is in June - This meeting is an opportunity for the full Association to meet and vote on new and returning Executive Board members.  It also gives ITA members a chance to review Executive Board recommendations and hear members comment on Indian Town activities and issues.
End of Season Meeting in September - This meeting gives the Board an opportunity to present yearly progress and for members to make recommendations on possible areas of improvement.

We hope you visit our site often for all things "Indian Town"!